Garden City Park Water District

District Project / Metering FAQ-Video  


Hydrant Maintenance Program

Valve Maintenance Program



The Garden City Park Water District is Currently conducting inspections and maintenance on all the fire hydrants in the District.  This project involves operating, cleaning, painting, and if necessary repairing the hydrant.  To assist the Fire Department, the top section of each hydrant will be painted a designated color to indicate what size water main is supplying that particular fire hydrant.

Residents can assist with this ongoing project by making sure their landscape improvements do not block access to or interfere with the operation of fire hydrants.  Landscaping should not block the three caps on the side of the hydrant, which in an emergency are removed to connect fire hoses.  Also, the top of the hydrant should be free of landscaping so the hydrant can be turned on without interference. 

With winter approaching the Garden City Park Water District would like to remind all residents that have fire hydrants in front of there homes to kindly remove all snow around the hydrant to allow access during an emergency.



The Garden City Park Water District has approximately 1550 isolation valves within the distribution service area ranging from 4 to 16 inches.  Valves are used to isolate water main breaks and facilitate the water department’s quick response to any distribution system emergency’s that occur.  We are continuously conducting a comprehensive valve maintenance program of inspecting, exercising and replacement of valves.  This program will help us avoid potentially serious problems when the need to use a valve arises. 

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